
<リノさんのロボット社会論 #06> ソーシャルロボットをめぐる2つの問題

<リノさんのロボット社会論 #06> ソーシャルロボットをめぐる2つの問題









【略歴】Reno J.Tibke ロボット、サイバネティクス、人工知能についての民間研究家兼評論家。Anthrobotic.comの創設者であり、国際的なロボットニュースサイト「ロボハブ」(Robohub.org)の創設メンバーかつ執筆者。東京を拠点とするアキハバラニュース(AkihabaraNews.com)のエディターでマルチメディア映像制作プロダクション「デジタルハブ」(DigitalHub.JP)共同創設者。米モンタナ州出身。

Mr. Reno's Robot Society #06

Two Social Robotics Issues for 2016

A leading American bank recently estimated that the global robotics industry will be worth $83 billion by 2020 - well more than double the market’s 2014 value. The abstract numbers alone are impressive; factor in the physical reality of last month’s massive, record-setting iREX International Robot Exhibition, and one is left with little doubt that robotics is comprehensively booming. Among all this growth and market positivity, two distinct sectors demand considerable social inquiry:

Service Robotics on the Rise

Professional and personal service robots perform specific, non-industrial tasks side by side with humans, and practical implementation, including a wide range of semi-autonomous cleaning robots, robotic warehouse workers, and mobile telepresence devices, is on the rise. Personal assistive robotics, exemplified by market leader Cyberdyne’s exoskeletal Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL), are also coming to the fore. Lower-body HALs are currently in a trial program for workers at Haneda Airport, and the devices recently received medical use designation by the Japanese health ministry. Enhanced capabilities coupled with decreasing costs means we could soon encounter stand-alone or wearable service robots in person more often than we hear about them in the news, and it remains to be seen whether or not this will be a comfort or a disruption.

Use of Industrial Robotics Increasing

Reports in popular media regularly cite concern about growing numbers of robotic workers negatively impacting the global labor market, so while seemingly non-social and largely out of sight, industrial robots are increasingly on our minds. However, often overlooked in such narratives is that ongoing sales, service, and development account for a full 2/3 of the overall robotics industry, and studies have consistently shown that increasing the robotic workforce actually results in net job gains.

Nevertheless, a surging market does mean that some menial, low-skilled jobs will be overtaken, and this is an inherently social phenomenon. As such, perhaps the greatest challenge herein in 2016, to be faced largely by educators and we robotics writers, will be accurately reporting on the economic effects of further robotization.

Exploring the social ramifications of these and other robotics developments is just as vital as reporting the news, and all indicators are that we’ll have no shortage of either in 2016.

Reno J. Tibke is a generalist researcher and commentator on robotics, cybernetics, and nonbiological intelligence. He is the founder of Anthrobotic.com, a founding contributor at Robohub.org, editor at AkihabaraNews.com, and co-founder of Tokyo-based multimedia production firm DigitalHub.JP.
政年佐貴惠 Masatoshi Sakie 名古屋支社編集部 記者
サービスロボットの有用性に注視しなければいけないが、同時にロボットの経済効果について正確に示していかなければいけないと指摘する記事。 その意見には賛成だ。加えて個人的には、ロボットが奪う仕事を議論するよりも、ロボットがより社会や生活に入り込むことで、人は何をすべきかの考えをより深めていくべきだと思う。
