
<リノさんのロボット社会論#19> 自動運転車に道徳的判断を委ねるべきか?

<リノさんのロボット社会論#19> 自動運転車に道徳的判断を委ねるべきか?









【略歴】Reno J.Tibke ロボット、サイバネティクス、人工知能についての民間研究家兼評論家。Anthrobotic.comの創設者であり、国際的なロボットニュースサイト「ロボハブ」(Robohub.org)の創設メンバーかつ執筆者。東京を拠点とするアキハバラニュース(AkihabaraNews.com)のエディターでマルチメディア映像制作プロダクション「デジタルハブ」(DigitalHub.JP)共同創設者。米モンタナ州出身。

Mr. Reno's Robot Society #19

Friendly Self-Driving Cars Sound Nice, But Can We Make Them Moral, Too?

New Partnership

Artificially intelligent SoftBank robots and self-driving Honda cars are a given - last month’s announcement that these two giants of considerably divergent industries have partnered to bring the two fields together, however, was interesting and somewhat surprising. Basically, the goal is to infuse Honda’s self-driving cars with personality akin to the friendly artificial intelligence that powers SoftBank’s Pepper robot.

Parallel Ethical Considerations

It’s fascinating to guess at what this partnership will produce, and equally so to consider the larger challenges they’ll face with real-world implementation. It brings to mind a classic thought experiment in ethics known as the Trolley Problem (トロッコ問題). In the exercise, we imagine ourselves steering an unstoppable trolley car, faced with only two choices: 1. Do nothing and allow the trolley to run over and kill 5 people stranded on the track, or 2. Intentionally change tracks to run over 1 person, thereby saving the 5 others. There are many variations, including stopping the trolley by killing ourselves, but the common theme is being forced to make a complicated ethical decision amidst wildly ambiguous morality.

Now, take a moment and imagine that it’s not us making such decisions, but an advanced network of sensors and processors capable of reacting before humans can even fully perceive a problem. It’s not an extreme consideration; road injuries are the world’s 9th most common cause of death, and while self-driving cars will undoubtedly save some lives, the myriad ways in which things can go wrong on the road virtually guarantees that AIs will have Trolley Problems of their own. Since they’ll be fast enough to react, we’ll be forced to surrender what we might consider “moral” decisions to a software construct.

Sobering Reality

Most experts agree that the deployment of largely autonomous self-driving cars is inevitable, and it’s a fine challenge for Honda and SoftBank to build cute, compassionate AIs into theirs. But, as we enthusiastically work to let cars do the driving for us, we’d do well to remember the harsher realities. Bearing in mind how often we poorly encode human beings with morality, we should be very careful handing over control to machines of our own design.
Reno J. Tibke is a generalist researcher and commentator on robotics, cybernetics, and nonbiological intelligence. He is the founder of Anthrobotic.com, a founding contributor at Robohub.org, editor at AkihabaraNews.com, and co-founder of Tokyo-based multimedia production firm DigitalHub.JP.

藤元正 Fujimoto Tadashi
