


神奈川県の「ROBOT TOWN SAGAMI 2028」の動画から

 日本に住み、日本を自分の母国のように思う外国人にとって、文脈に即した言語と結びついた深いが、単一の歴史は魅力的ではある。とはいえ、日本のエンターテインメントを理解し評価するのは非常にハードルが高く、中でも日本のアニメはその代表例と言える。もちろん、世界中に日本のアニメファンは大勢いるのだが、同じくらいの人が理解できないでいる。そうした中、ロボットに焦点を当てた宣伝アニメをみつけた。最初はまた別の理解困難な例とも思えたが、神奈川県主催のキャンペーン「ROBOT TOWN SAGAMI 2028」は、非常にうれしい驚きをもたらしてくれた。






【略歴】Reno J.Tibke ロボット、サイバネティクス、人工知能についての民間研究家兼評論家。Anthrobotic.comの創設者であり、国際的なロボットニュースサイト「ロボハブ」(Robohub.org)の創設メンバーかつ執筆者。東京を拠点とするアキハバラニュース(AkihabaraNews.com)のエディターでマルチメディア映像制作プロダクション「デジタルハブ」(DigitalHub.JP)共同創設者。米モンタナ州出身。

Mr. Reno's Robot Society #16

Robot Town Sagami’s Strange Yet Surprisingly Hopeful Anime Promo

A deep, largely monocultural history combined with a highly contextual language and culture present fascinating but considerable challenges for expatriates who call Japan home. Understanding and appreciating Japanese entertainment is one of the tallest hurdles, and Japanese anime is a perfect example. There are of course legions of non-Japanese anime fans around the world, but just as many find it quite impenetrable; we recently discovered a robotics-focused promotional anime that seemed yet another difficult example...at first. Robot Town Sagami 2028, sponsored by Kanagawa Prefecture’s namesake campaign, turned out to be a very pleasant surprise.

Created by Tezuka Productions, the short piece opens with the exuberant celebration of a man who just learned that he’d become a father. At the height of his excitement, however, tragedy strikes. Hospitalized in critical condition, the man finds himself floating above his comatose body, overhearing a grim diagnosis. Suddenly, a very familiar robot boy appears and transports him to an impressive but simultaneously tragic future: his wife and child, surrounded by helpful robots and an array of technological advancements, appear to be living very happily without him. This is the part where foreign audiences can easily get lost in what seems an odd, disjointed, and relative to the nature of the promotional campaign, unnecessarily melancholic narrative.

Now, we won’t spoil the reason why, but we will say that anyone who watches through to the end will find a touching message that’s universally relatable in any culture. Although the setup is a bit disturbing, it ends up being fantastic storytelling, with a hopeful and heartwarming finale, imagining a not too distant future that many predict will become reality: the brave new Japanese economy where robotics and IOT technology are embedded in everyday life, and that life is very good.

We hope mentioning it here and online helps spread the word about this work of art and its ultimately positive message, and we’ve made it easy to watch the bilingual version: either copy this simple URL in a web browser (bit.ly/robot-town-sagami) or scan the QR code in the accompanying image. Japanese or not, fan of anime or not, we think you’ll be glad you did.
Reno J. Tibke is a generalist researcher and commentator on robotics, cybernetics, and nonbiological intelligence. He is the founder of Anthrobotic.com, a founding contributor at Robohub.org, editor at AkihabaraNews.com, and co-founder of Tokyo-based multimedia production firm DigitalHub.JP.

藤元正 Fujimoto Tadashi
