
<ロボット社会論#13> 日本のサイボーグ、香港のロボット、ハリウッドの女優

<ロボット社会論#13> 日本のサイボーグ、香港のロボット、ハリウッドの女優

(左)スカーレット・ヨハンソン(Paramount/Dreamworks Films)と、(右)マーの「マーク1」(Ricky Ma YouTube)






【略歴】Reno J.Tibke ロボット、サイバネティクス、人工知能についての民間研究家兼評論家。Anthrobotic.comの創設者であり、国際的なロボットニュースサイト「ロボハブ」(Robohub.org)の創設メンバーかつ執筆者。東京を拠点とするアキハバラニュース(AkihabaraNews.com)のエディターでマルチメディア映像制作プロダクション「デジタルハブ」(DigitalHub.JP)共同創設者。米モンタナ州出身。

Mr. Reno's Robot Society #13

Japanese Cyborgs, Hongkonger Robots, and a Hollywood Actress

Cyborgs will someday be able to choose their racial background. Roboticists will be able to create designer androids that look like whomever they wish. We should prepare for these eventualities, and, thankfully, pop-culture is going to help us out.

First the Fiction:

Masamune Shirow’s seminal Ghost in the Shell (攻殻機動隊), originally published in 1989 as a serialized manga, has enjoyed decades of success in print and animation. The futuristic sci-fi story is now being produced as a live-action film, and while fans should be thrilled, some have a big problem with the American studio’s casting choice for the lead role of Major Motoko Kusanagi. The Major is female, Japanese, and a full-body cyborg who struggles with societal alienation and a fractured sense of self. Global superstar Scarlett Johansson, a very white woman, has been cast in the role.

And the Non-Fiction:

For most of us, the dream of building our very own robot friend eventually fades away into the catalog of childhood fancy. For 42-year-old Hong Kong designer and robotics enthusiast Ricky Ma, however, the dream was merely delayed. Inspired from a young age by robot-themed animation, Ma eventually spent 18 months and more than US $50,000 to 3D print, assemble, and program a new robotic friend. Though he calls the recently unveiled creation the Mark I, he obviously modeled the robot’s face on a famous American actress, one Scarlett Johansson.

So, while an American film studio has a white actress taking over the role of an Asian cyborg, an aspiring Asian roboticist built an actual robot in the image of that very same white actress. That’s pretty funny. On the negative side, the filmmakers have been called racist and Ma has been ridiculed as creepy and perverted, but we’re confident that reasonable people recognize this as misplaced nonsense.

In fact, we find genuine positivity here: the studio putting Ms. Johansson in the lead will bring the important socio-technological concepts of Ghost in the Shell to a much wider audience, and Ricky Ma’s Johansson-Bot illustrates how advanced yet increasingly affordable technologies have made it much easier to build a robot friend. This is good prep for the future, and we thank both parties!

Reno J. Tibke is a generalist researcher and commentator on robotics, cybernetics, and nonbiological intelligence. He is the founder of Anthrobotic.com, a founding contributor at Robohub.org, editor at AkihabaraNews.com, and co-founder of Tokyo-based multimedia production firm DigitalHub.JP.

藤元正 Fujimoto Tadashi
