
<リノさんのロボット社会論 #10> 「アトラス」が再び人型ロボットで先行

<リノさんのロボット社会論 #10> 「アトラス」が再び人型ロボットで先行



それから2年もたたないうちに、同社はペットマンから派生させた「アトラス」を公開した。 堂々とした体と優れた技能を持ち、DARPA(米国防総省国防高等研究計画局)主催のロボティクス・チャレンジ(DRC)の参加チームに多数採用された(グーグルもアトラスに注目し、後にボストンダイナミクスを買収)。アトラスはロボットの歴史の1ページを飾る代表的なモデルとなり、やがて他のメーカーもそのレベルに追いついてくるようになってきた。




【略歴】Reno J.Tibke ロボット、サイバネティクス、人工知能についての民間研究家兼評論家。Anthrobotic.comの創設者であり、国際的なロボットニュースサイト「ロボハブ」(Robohub.org)の創設メンバーかつ執筆者。東京を拠点とするアキハバラニュース(AkihabaraNews.com)のエディターでマルチメディア映像制作プロダクション「デジタルハブ」(DigitalHub.JP)共同創設者。米モンタナ州出身。

Mr. Reno's Robot Society #10

DRC-HUBO, NASA, WALK-MAN, HRP, and even ASIMO, Stand Aside! ATLAS is Once Again the Humanoid Robot to Beat...We Assume.

In late October of 2011, the American robotics firm Boston Dynamics introduced PETMAN, a humanoid machine capable of shockingly nimble, never before seen robotic movement (http://bit.ly/BDPETMAN). While other robots were capable of similar motion - many of them Japanese - none demonstrated such humanlike form, fluidity, and speed.

Less than two years later, Boston Dynamics unveiled the PETMAN derivative known as ATLAS (http://bit.ly/BDATLAS), an even more advanced robot famous for its imposing stature, unprecedented skillset, and ubiquity among DARPA Robotics Challenge teams (ATLAS also caught Google’s attention, and they eventually acquired Boston Dynamics). Though ATLAS represented a profound milestone in robotics, over time other makers managed to effectively match pace.

Now, in what’s becoming something of a tradition, Boston Dynamics appears to have once again reset the bar for humanoid robots’ physical capabilities: last month, via an quietly published YouTube video, we met “ATLAS, The Next Generation.” The streamlined robot demonstrates uncannily human capabilities such as stability over snowy, rough terrain, autonomous box stacking and target pursuit, and rapid self-righting when aggressively pushed to the ground. Much of this was achieved utilizing newly developed, more efficient and effective hydraulic components embedded in the robot’s limbs. The introductory video has amassed over 14 million views (http://bit.ly/BDATLASTNG), and we humans are thoroughly impressed, to say the least.

However, we’re forced to consider other impressive humanoid robots such as Korea’s DARPA Robotics Challenge-winning DRC-HUBO, other American efforts including CMU’s CHIMP and NASA’s Valkyrie and Robosimian, Italy’s WALK-MAN, Japan’s HRP series and, of course, ASIMO (including what we refer to as ASIMO X). All are fantastic platforms, but none of them can match the new ATLAS’ physical prowess...to the best of our knowledge.

To be blunt, the point of this week’s Social Robotics column is this: Boston Dynamics deserves the attention and adulation, but humanoid robotics are rapidly advancing all over the world, and it’s safe to assume that others are making equally impressive advances. More information about robotics is always a positive thing, so we would love to see their contemporaries follow suit and keep us as updated and amazed as Boston Dynamics so regularly does. We’ll be waiting!

Reno J. Tibke is a generalist researcher and commentator on robotics, cybernetics, and nonbiological intelligence. He is the founder of Anthrobotic.com, a founding contributor at Robohub.org, editor at AkihabaraNews.com, and co-founder of Tokyo-based multimedia production firm DigitalHub.JP.

藤元正 Fujimoto Tadashi
